The era of mobile marketing has paved an opportunity for entrepreneurs to reach record growth through responsive web design.
What does this mean to business owners and entrepreneurs who want to maximize profits? It means that to not pay attention to this exploding trend, is to literally leave money on the table and walk away from a substantial market of potential customers who prefer to access the internet, browse and shop from their mobile devices and share information with their social networks.
Mobile Friendly Designs for Capturing Leads and Customers
Mobile users are engaged by designs that make it easy to view content and take action. Responsive WordPress website and blogs and responsive WordPress eCommerce websites allow visitors to see all of the website contents and auto adjusts the display to fit their desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Unlike mobile conversions that restrict the amount and type of content available for the user, responsive design does not omit any content but adjusts the formatting to display properly for whatever device is being viewed. The following example shows how the same site is viewed in a desktop or lap, tablets and on a smartphone.

Responsive Website Design and Facebook
Many websites developed from WordPress responsive customized themes provide an optimal browsing, shopping and sharing experience for Facebook users. Themes that are designed for Facebook may be easily embedded from a secure server – Facebook’s new requirement as of October of 2011. An entire site can become an effective fan page that targets a totally separate market of customers that are Facebook junkies. This is the precise market that is likely to share your powerful message and create a viral response.
Choosing a Website Design and Development Company
Making your website match the trends of our times for mobile marketing and Facebook are strategies that can put you way out in front of your competition. Many website design and development companies are lagging behind in acquiring these skills and techniques. It is important to work with website professionals that are knowledgeable and experienced in responsive design, mobile marketing and social media marketing, especially Facebook and Twitter.
Need Some Help Reaching and Converting Your Largest Mobile Market into Leads and Customers?
We know that the #1 problem for local business owners is not enough business from a steady stream of quality leads and customers. We analyze your business needs, goals and budget and provide you with a free marketing and competitor analysis. This allows us to identify strategies to outperform your competition and help you to capture much more of your market share.
Our branding, web design and development, lead generation and sales conversion strategies are designed for customer acquisition, customer retention, and strengthening your brand and reputation. We help you to achieve a substantial ROI with sustainable business growth. Your path to success begins with a free strategic marketing consultation. Click the button below and request yours now.
Request a Free Consultation
Whether you are a local business, entrepreneur, attorney, healthcare provider, or eCommerce merchant, we have digital marketing skills and strategies to help your business succeed. Ask us how we can help you through responsive website design and development, video, social media, and marketing services that engage, convert, and grow your brand and revenues. Our consultations are free and available through phone and screen sharing. Contact us now by clicking the button below.