How many profits are you leaving behind because you don’t have a Facebook fan page?
I’m Ruth Kuttler of WEBPUZZLEMASTER and since 2001, I’ve worked with small and mid sized businesses, professionals, retailers and entrepreneurs to help them to use current trends and proven practices on the internet to achieve their greatest online success.
Whether you’re selling products through an eCommerce website or building an extensive list for promotion of products and services via strategic email marketing, your Facebook fan page can be the source of tremendous conversions of leads and customers. Many big businesses are realizing significant gains in market share through Facebook. Fortunately, small businesses and entrepreneurs can take advantage of this powerful strategy without breaking their bank.
An effective and professional design of your Facebook fan page is critical for attracting your market, getting them to like your page and talk about it. After all, generating a viral response through social networks is your ultimate goal. But you must be aware of new rules and a new format for Facebook fan pages.
New rules and features for fan pages that can actually give you a marketing edge.
The new Facebook fan page provides you with an opportunity to feature aspects of your business in an extremely powerful way. Each fan page in your Facebook account presents your unique content formatted across the full page width without distracting ads from other companies. Visitors can like your page, share it and view all the content you include which is specific to that page. Besides a large cover image, photo gallery, video gallery, map and likes, you can include numerous other applications such as a slideshow, enewsletter subscription form, inquiry form and/or a full eCommerce store. Visitors can see your integrated blog RSS feed in your fan page, giving them access to instant updates through your posts.
What is the challenge then you might be wondering and how can it help you?
The challenge is this: Facebook will no longer host your own html content, limiting your ability to include custom information that can convert your market into leads and customers.
How can this help you? If you are willing to do some things that your competitors will not, you will capture a sizable market that they will not have access to. This new rule cuts down on the number of fan pages from less committed or less professional competitors who will not comply.
The new rule is this: Your custom content that might include slideshows, forms and/or a store must be embedded from a website that is hosted on a secure server. This means that https must display in the address bar. It is accomplished by having a digital certificate installed on your server. Expect to pay an additional but relatively small fee annually for this certificate. And your site must be hosted on a server where this is allowed.
Fortunately, WEBPUZZLEMASTER has come up with an easy solution for meeting this requirement. Our customized fan pages use a common digital certificate for all fan pages we develop that are hosted on our server … but that’s not all…
You will also have full management of your fan page through a WordPress website. From one central admin area, you’ll be able to manage your website contents, blog and Facebook fan page. Of course, all of this can be set up and managed for you so there is no need to stress and worry about how to do this. We even have solutions where your entire eCommerce website can become your integrated Facebook fan page – through your fan page, you can increase your market, capturing those who prefer to buy from Facebook.
Discover why WEBPUZZLEMASTER is your best choice for cutting edge web design and development with seamless social media integration that can take your business to a whole new level on the internet.
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