Are you providing products or services to a local area and finding it more difficult to attract quality customers and still make a profit?
Whether you are a chiropractor, attorney, dentist, home improvement contractor, realtor, or in the hospitality industry, you can take your local business to a whole new level of profitability, generate a substantial return on investment, and do it right now regardless of competition.
The fact that the internet is in a period of its greatest evolution in history is good news for local businesses.
Along with the challenges it presents for change, it represents a ground floor opportunity to achieve market domination at a fraction of the costs of traditional forms of advertising that are expensive and no longer work very well.
If you’re relying on “interruption” forms of advertising like newspaper and magazine ads, TV, radio and online banners, it is no wonder why you’re blowing through valuable marketing dollars. These methods are expensive with a poor ROI – they are the reason why most local businesses go out of business. Interruption ads do not give you access to your hottest market of prospects – a market who are on their smartphones and tablets, specifically searching for your services in your local area.
Most likely you are seeing new competitors start a business in your area and claim a sizable share of your market. These internet savvy business owners and professionals know exactly how to find prospects, connect with them and convert them into leads and customers. Eager to share their experiences through social media, customers tell their friends and contacts which generates a lot more business without any additional advertising costs!
If you’re ready to do a few things differently based on proven practices and trends that are growing stronger by the day, you can do what your competition is not doing and put yourself in the lead. You can:
- Make more profits from each sale.
- Get customers to come to you instead of your competitors and at a lower cost.
- Get existing customers to buy from you over and over.
- Get customers to give you glowing ratings and reviews that they share in their social networks.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes of online success, it is important for you to be coachable and open to change. Even if you had a great deal of online success in the past, it is likely that you’re seeing a substantial decline in results and ROI. That is because the internet is a totally different playing field which demands a whole new set of strategies. It is strongly suggested that you stop listening to most SEO companies and marketing companies that are way behind the times. Companies that rely on old, outdated methods and outsource a variety of poorly coordinated services, will be costly and waste your valuable marketing resources.
Whether you do your own marketing or rely on professionals, effective marketing for your online success will be based on a properly managed strategic marketing plan that incorporates current optimized content with mobile, video and social media platforms. Ideally, your plan will include automated follow up designed to reduce your stress and demands on your time. Before you choose to do this yourself or reply on in-house personnel who are not online marketing experts, keep in mind that you could be falling way behind your competition and never get the results you desire.
What you must know about Google…
There is no question that Google is dominant. In 2012, Google’s revenue exceeded 50 billion and is currently much higher. Google is the new Yellow Pages. This is not at all by accident. Google continues to evolve and change its algorithms to give people what they want through diversity in search results. Their other mission is to provide advertisers with a platform for getting a good return on investment from their powerful advertising options.
Google’s value of local business is evident in their products that include Google My Business with Google maps, and ratings and reviews. Google incorporates powerful tools for engaging, interacting and converting a market into leads and customers.
You can invest hundreds to thousands of dollars and still not show up on the 1st page of Google search results for your most important keywords. Or you can show up on the first page of search results in multiple locations – and have more quality leads find you without the high costs of SEO. More about that will come later.
Here’s what you need to know about SEO..
Traditional SEO is not part of Google’s algorithms and can actually get your ranking positions to plummet. Even worse, it may get your website penalized. Local SEO however is very important to your organic ranking for local searches. When performed using current standards, it can be very effective in improving SERP in local search results.
Online success is not just about a website anymore.
Although still important for credibility, branding and conversions, your website is one of many pieces that contribute to online success. Leads, customers and traffic come from a variety of onsite and offsite sources. A mobile responsive website design is no longer an option. Without it, your site will be penalized by Google and more than 60% of visitors will not stay on a site that is not mobile friendly. But even if it is a responsive website design, without compelling content in an engaging layout, your site will not convert into leads and customers.
Your journey to online success begins with knowledge that will empower you to make better choices when it comes to your marketing.
Signup for our eNewsletter and download two valuable white papers that can drastically reduce your costs, increase your profits and ROI, and put you way out in front of your competition.
Download Two Local Business Marketing Reports for FREE with Powerful Strategies for Rapidly Reaching and Converting Your Largest Local Mobile Market
Would You Like to Know How to Increase Leads and Customers, Achieve Sustainable Growth for Your Local Business and Dominate Your Market Regardless of Competition?
- How to Get and Stay Ahead of Your Competition in Any Local Market: 8 Strategies for Local Business Success Regardless of Industry
- How to Get Your Video to Rank on Page 1 of Google and YouTube: Top Fast Results SEO
Discover Proven Tested Strategies for Helping Local Business to Effectively Access and Convert a Dominant Market of Mobile Leads While Generating a Significant Return on Investment.
What you learn will allow you to dominate your local market regardless of competition.
In These Two Power-Packed Free Reports You Will Learn:
- The Power of Search Marketing and the Importance of Having Compelling, Accurate Information in Multiple Search Engines.
- Must Know Facts About Mobile Lead Conversions and How and Why Mobile Converts Fast.
- How Google Plus Local Gets You on Page 1 of Search Results in Multiple Places Where Your Market is Likely to Click.
- How to Leverage YouTube and Access your Share of 4 BILLION DAILY Video Views!
- How to Overcome The 3 Biggest Google AdWords Mistakes and Increase Leads at a Fraction of PPC Costs.
- How to Use Social Media to Boost Website Traffic and Convert More Leads and Clients through Viral Sharing.
- How to Multiply Leads, Customers and Revenue through Strategic Email Marketing.
- How to Rank Video on Page 1 of YouTube and Google
Two Valuable Local Business Marketing Reports:
(1) How to Get and Stay Ahead of Your Competition in Any Local Market:8 Strategies for Local Business Success Regardless of Industry and
(2) What Local Businesses and Professionals Must Know About Video Ranking to Get & Stay Ahead of their Competition. This report reveals YouTube production and marketing video strategies that will rank your videos on top of Google and YouTube search results – getting you views, clicks, subscribers, shares, and traffic!