Are you losing business because you don’t have a Facebook business page? It’s a no-brainer to make sure you are claiming your share of the 1.39 billion Facebook users who visit Facebook on a regular basis. A recent study revealed that most people look for a Facebook page to be associated with a business. If they can’t find that company’s business listings on social networks, of which Facebook is the most important, they are less than impressed with that company. it only makes sense for a company to retain its competitive edge through Facebook, the biggest and most popular of all social networks. Here are five important reasons your business needs a Facebook business page.
1. Go Where Your Customers Are
It is more than likely that half of your customers are signing on to Facebook every day. Over 1.39 billion users might have an interest in what you provide and could be finding out about your company through your Facebook business page. As they search for your type of products and services, your listing could appear in the top search results. Just by creating a business page on Facebook with an engaging profile, you could have immediate access to all of these individuals and their businesses.
2. Familiarity Produces Trust
Your regular Facebook postings give your market an opportunity to learn more about you, your mission and vision, and what is behind the products and services you provide. These postings show customers and prospects on Facebook that you really care about them. It creates a stronger bond between your business and the customer and becomes the basis of long-lasting business relationships.
3. Go Wherever Your Fans Go
You have the potential to easily use technology through Smartphones and Facebook apps for immediate access to a very wide audience. Just think about the impact of sending a coupon to your customers through Facebook. Your fans could respond almost immediately because they all received your coupon on their computers, tablets, and smartphones. Imagine what that could do for your bottom line.
4. Better Customer Service
When you engage in conversations with your customers on Facebook, others can see how you handle questions, disputes, and other communications. Responding with professionalism and promptness is likely to build trust with your fans and lead to more business and sharing. When your customers feel that they can contact you anytime through your Facebook profile, it will go a long way towards keeping customers happy and saying good things about you.
5. Search Engines Are Paying Attention to Facebook Marketing
The search engines respond to cues from social networks like Facebook and reward you with higher rankings. By posting your materials and having your materials passed around, you can increase your business through Facebook traffic. With the search engines looking to Facebook to tell them what’s relevant and valuable in this day and age, Facebook marketing just makes sense.
Are you ready to boost your business through Facebook Marketing?
If it’s time to take your business to the next level and increase your profits with a professional Facebook business page, request a free consultation from a Digital Marketing Agency specializing in Social Media Marketing Services in Florida. Learn how a powerful Facebook page and marketing strategy can significantly boost your traffic and business growth.
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Whether you are a local business, entrepreneur, attorney, healthcare provider, or eCommerce merchant, we have digital marketing skills and strategies to help your business succeed. Ask us how we can help you through social media, video, web design and development, and marketing services that engage, convert, and grow your brand and revenues. Our consultations are free and available through phone and screen sharing. Contact us now by clicking the button below.