"use strict"; let wpmgApp = (function($){ let that = {}; let ajaxurl = wpmg.ajax; /*----------------------------------------- //Initialize ready script -----------------------------------------*/ that.init = function () { _constructor() _initLighbox() _socialShare() _initMixItUp() fixYouTubeImgSize() } let _constructor = function () { const observer = lozad('.lozad', { loaded: function(el) { el.classList.add('loaded'); var img = new Image() img.src = el.src img.onload = function() { if( this.width < 150 ){ el.classList.add('rr') } } } }) observer.observe(); } that.loaded = function () { autoSelectDefaultFilter() switchNavigation() } that.resized = function () { switchNavigation() } let getHashtag = function(hash){ var url = location.href; hashtag = (url.indexOf(hash) !== -1) ? decodeURI(url.substring(url.indexOf(hash)+1,url.length)) : false; if(hashtag){ hashtag = hashtag.replace(/<|>/g,''); } return hashtag; } let setHashtag = function(hash){ if(typeof hash == 'undefined') return; location.hash = hash; } let clearHashtag = function(){ if ( location.href.indexOf('#wpmg') !== -1 ) location.hash = "wpmg"; } let getParam = function(name,url){ name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( url ); return ( results == null ) ? "" : results[1]; } let autoSelectDefaultFilter = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ let galleryHash = getHashtag('#wpmGallFilter=') if( galleryHash.length > 0 ){ var galleryHashArr = galleryHash.split('=') if( galleryHashArr.length > 0 ){ jQuery('.wpmg-filter button[data-filter=".'+galleryHashArr[1]+'"]').click() } } else { jQuery('.wpmg-filter').each(function(i,e){ jQuery(e).find('.default-tag').trigger('click') }) } }, 1000) jQuery('.wpmg-wrap').removeClass('wpmg-loading') } let _socialShare = function(){ jQuery('html').on('click', '.pp_social a', function(){ var post = $('.pp_custom_actions').attr('data-post') post = ( post.length > 10) ? post : false; console.log('Hellowrold', post); if( jQuery(this).hasClass('facebook') ){ var _href = decodeURI(jQuery(this).attr('href')) var _link = getParam('link', _href); var _picture = getParam('picture', _href); var _name = getParam('name', _href); var _caption = getParam('caption', _href); var _description = getParam('description', _href); var _display = getParam('display', _href); _href = `https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${post}`; } else { var _liinkedURL = `https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=${post}&title=&summary=&source=` var _href = new URL(_liinkedURL); } if( post ){ console.log({_liinkedURL, _href}); var newwindow = window.open(_href,'','height=800,width=800'); if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} } return false; }); } let _initLighbox = function(){ $('.wpmg-wrap .targets').each(function(e){ var lightboxtype = $(this).attr('data-lightboxtype') $(this).find("a[rel^='pp']").prettyPhoto({ theme: lightboxtype, /* light_rounded / dark_rounded / light_square / dark_square / facebook / pp_default*/ // overlay_gallery: false, default_width: 500, default_height: 344, deeplinking:true, show_title: false, horizontal_padding: 10, markup: ' \
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\ ', social_tools: ' \ \ \ \ \ \ ', changepicturecallback: function(event){ console.log('callback'); $('.pp_custom_actions').html(''); var _id, _desc = $('.pp_description').html().split('-id-') if( _desc.length == 2 && parseInt(_desc[1]) > 0){ $('.pp_description').html(_desc[0]) _id = parseInt(_desc[1]) var cta = $(`a[ref="ref-${_id}"]`).attr('data-cta-link').trim() var ctaTxt = $(`a[ref="ref-${_id}"]`).attr('data-cta-text').trim() var subs = parseInt($(`a[ref="ref-${_id}"]`).attr('data-subs')) var post = $(`a[ref="ref-${_id}"]`).attr('data-post') $('.pp_custom_actions').attr('data-post', post); if( typeof wpmg.customButton != 'undefined' && wpmg.customButton != '' ) $('.pp_custom_actions').append(wpmg.customButton) if( cta.length > 0 && ctaTxt.length > 0 ) $('.pp_custom_actions').append(`${ctaTxt}`) if( wpmg.youtubeChaneelId.length > 10 && subs ) $('.pp_custom_actions').append(`Subscribe`) if( (cta.length > 0 && ctaTxt.length > 0) || subs ) setTimeout(() => { $('.pp_custom_actions').show() }, 3000) if( jQuery('.pp_content').height() < jQuery('.pp_fade').innerHeight() ){ jQuery('.pp_content').height(jQuery('.pp_fade').innerHeight()) } } } }); }) } let _initMixItUp = function(){ // var containerEl = document.querySelector('.gcontainer'); jQuery('.wpmfgmixer').each(function(i,e){ var _id = jQuery(e).attr('data-id') var mixer = mixitup(e, { controls: { scope: 'local', }, animation: { animateResizeContainer: true // required to prevent column algorithm bug }, selectors: { target: '.mix', pageList : `.mixitup-page-list-${_id}`, pageStats : `.mixitup-page-stats-${_id}`, }, pagination: { limit: 21, maintainActivePage: true, loop: true, hidePageListIfSinglePage: true, hidePageStatsIfSinglePage: true, }, callbacks: { onMixEnd: function(state) { var FilterItem = jQuery('.mixitup-control-active').attr('data-filter'); if( FilterItem.length > 0 ){ FilterItem = FilterItem.replace('.', ''); setHashtag('wpmGallFilter='+FilterItem); // Change dropdown jQuery('#wpmg-filter-dropdown').val(`.${FilterItem}`) } } } }); }) jQuery('.masonry-template').each(function(i,e){ var _id = jQuery(e).attr('data-id') var _uid = jQuery(e).attr('data-uid') var _wrapper = `.wpmg-uid-${_uid}`; var mixer = mixitup(e, { controls: { scope: 'local', }, animation: { animateResizeContainer: true // required to prevent column algorithm bug }, selectors: { target: '.masonryItem', pageList : `${_wrapper} .mixitup-page-list-${_id}`, pageStats : `${_wrapper} .mixitup-page-stats-${_id}`, }, pagination: { limit: 20, maintainActivePage: true, loop: true, hidePageListIfSinglePage: true, hidePageStatsIfSinglePage: true, }, callbacks: { onMixStart: function(state) { jQuery(`${_wrapper} .targets`).animate({opacity:0}, 200) }, onMixEnd: function(state) { jQuery(`${_wrapper} .targets`).animate({opacity:1}, 200) var FilterItem = jQuery(`${_wrapper} .mixitup-control-active`).attr('data-filter'); if( FilterItem.length > 0 ){ FilterItem = FilterItem.replace('.', ''); setHashtag('wpmGallFilter='+FilterItem); // Change dropdown jQuery(`${_wrapper} #wpmg-filter-dropdown`).val(`.${FilterItem}`) } } } }); }) $('.wfd').change(function () { var _id = $(this).attr('data-id'); var selectedText = $(this).find("option:selected").text(); var selectedValue = $(this).val(); jQuery(`#${_id} button.control[data-filter="${selectedValue}"]`).click() }); } let switchNavigation = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ let _nav = $('.wpmg-filter.controls') if( _nav.height() > 70 ){ _nav.addClass('wpmg-filter-dropdown') } else { _nav.removeClass('wpmg-filter-dropdown') } }, 1000) } let fixYouTubeImgSize = function(){ setInterval(function(){ if( jQuery('img.lozad.loaded.rr').length < 1 ) return false jQuery('img.lozad.loaded.rr').each(function(i,e){ var src = jQuery(e).attr('src') var tmpImg = new Image(); tmpImg.src=src; if( tmpImg.width < 170 ){ var sdimg = src.replace('maxresdefault', 'hqdefault') jQuery(e).attr('src', sdimg) } }, 2000) }) } return that; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { wpmgApp.init(); }); jQuery(window).load(function($) { wpmgApp.loaded(); setTimeout(function() { resizedw(); }, 2000) }); var doit; function resizedw(){ jQuery('.wpmg-filter.controls').each(function(index, el) { let _nav = jQuery(el) _nav.removeClass('wpmg-filter-dropdown') let _height = _nav.height() if( _height > 70 ){ _nav.addClass('wpmg-filter-dropdown') } else { _nav.removeClass('wpmg-filter-dropdown') } if( jQuery('.wpmg-wrap .targets').width() >= 1500 ) jQuery('.wpmg-wrap .targets').attr('data-span', '4'); else jQuery('.wpmg-wrap .targets').attr('data-span', '3'); }); } window.onresize = function() { clearTimeout(doit); doit = setTimeout(function() { resizedw(); }, 2000); };