Professional quality video is the best way to make a powerful connection with your ideal customers. If you want your hottest market to find you, don’t overlook the power of keyword optimized video and YouTube video marketing. Video is especially powerful for a mobile market – people who rely on getting rapid information on their phones when they are in the hot pursuit of all types of products and services in their local area.
Besides having short, engaging, professional quality video that communicates your message effectively, video that displays in Google search results as well as YouTube, is going to get the clicks and views, even before content that ranks higher on the page.
When a video is in the search results, it displays with a little thumbnail along with the title and excerpt. This is eye-catching and unlike boring text that competes for the visitor’s attention, these video thumbnails are very effective in getting the visitor to click and explore that content.
More About Video Marketing for Local Business:
- The trend for video is rapidly growing. Latest statistics (January 2017) show 5 BILLION YouTube video views each day – up from 1 BILLION in 2013.
- Because Google owns YouTube, Google is partial to YouTube video content. Although more difficult, ranking video in Google search results is possible with the right strategies.
- Your video must engage your market within seconds to prevent your viewers from losing interest and leaving.
- A video that closely matches the search query term is much more productive. The closer the video fits with the searcher’s interests, the better it will perform.
- The opening must be compelling and targeted. It should act as a hook that creates curiosity and makes the viewer want to continue watching.
- An effective call to action at the end should encourage the visitor to take a single important next step. That may be a phone call or a URL where the visitor can fill out an inquiry form. It may be an opt-in email list for a free white paper, eBook or other information.
- Video commercials can be affordable and high converting. Videos that convert especially well for small business include spokesperson overviews, testimonial and FAQ videos.
- Advertising and marketing will be much more effective when combined with mobile-friendly video landing pages.
- Videos provide an excellent marketing strategy for increasing your brand, reputation, revenues, leads and clients.
- Without video, you will fall behind your competitors who are using video to market themselves and their business.
Here are 3 great reasons to have a video about your business:
- Videos will set you apart from your competition as they increase your credibility, professionalism and brand you a trusted expert.
- Videos are the best way to quickly and effectively communicate an important message to prospects and clients.
- Professional quality video ranked in top positions will increase your ROI and bottom line profits.
Take the Next Step to Grow Your Local Business
What is one new customer worth to you? How about their hundreds of friends, family, and contacts in social media that they love to share information with? Are you blowing through an advertising budget without a return on investment because of weak and ineffective content? Maybe your landing page is not mobile friendly.
Cutting corners when it comes to your marketing is like throwing money away – it seldom produces a return on investment. An investment in video production and marketing that ranks your video on top of Google search results will pay for itself over and over.
Whether you are doing PPC advertising with video, building subscribers in a YouTube channel or just adding powerful video to your website, video production and marketing is one of your best and lowest cost marketing investments – a strategy that can put you way out in front of your competitors where you grow your brand, revenues and dominate your marketplace.
What Local Businesses and Professionals Must Know About Video Ranking to Get & Stay Ahead of their Competition reveals YouTube production and marketing video strategies that will rank your videos on top of Google and YouTube search results – getting you views, clicks, subscribers, shares, and traffic!
Learn how to rapidly and effectively outperform your competition.